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Kids go free on fun days out!

In kids on November 16, 2007 at 1:07 am

Theme parks, shopping malls and MacDonalds can all become rather expensive methods of entertaining the kids. And free days out are hard to find these days…

Or are they?

Kids Go Free is a great website which helps you find free (and low cost) days out and activities for the kids. You can search by town, postcode or area for attractions close to you.

This site is becoming invaluable in locating free and cheap days out for the family, especially when it comes to the school holidays! At Kids Go Free, you can find everything from local city farms to museums, walks and historical attractions near you. It also includes directories of “family-friendly” places to eat and stay.

Check it out the next time you’re looking for an inexpensive way to entertain the kids. You could even use this as a bargaining tool so the children will put up with your Christmas shopping over the next few weeks!

Here we go…

In Blogging on November 14, 2007 at 1:10 am

I’ve started the makeover process now, and have uploaded my brand new, fancy template! I hope you like these changes so far!

I know there are loads of links which need to be changed or added, and that most of my previous widgets are gone. In the next few days I’ll tidy things up a bit and soon everything will look and act better than it ever did before!

If you’re looking for a new template for your own Blogger blo, why not check out the selection I created over at Blogger Buster? There are various templates available to suit almost all tastes and preferences, or you could even search through the archives to find a tutorial to help you customize your own…

Glamumous is getting a make-over!

In Uncategorized on November 13, 2007 at 11:49 am

Now that I have a Pagerank (of three, no less!), and have made several blogging friends who have inspired me, I’ve finally decided to give Glamumous a complete overhaul! So in the next few weeks or so, you’ll see many changes here on the Glamumous site, including a brand new makeover and a focus on all things “Glamumous”!

I hope you will like the new look and focus of this blog. I will blog about all these changes as they are happening, and as always appreciate any comments and suggestions you may have on this subject.

High Heeled Shoe Race!

In just for fun on November 11, 2007 at 12:28 am

I bet the contestants had so much fun in this race, which was held in St Petersburg! The winner was awarded $3000 dollars worth of shopping vouchers. I so wish there was such a competition near me, I’d be one of the first to sign up!

Earn money from your blog with Text-Link-Ads

In making money online on November 10, 2007 at 11:12 pm

/* <![CDATA[ */
function affiliateLink(str){ str = unescape(str); var r = ”; for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) r += String.fromCharCode(7^str.charCodeAt(i)); document.write(r); }
/* ]]> */

I have just signed up with
/* <![CDATA[ */
function affiliateLink(str){ str = unescape(str); var r = ”; for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) r += String.fromCharCode(9^str.charCodeAt(i)); document.write(r); }
/* ]]> */
: an advertising scheme which is surprisingly simple to use. With TLA, you can create available spaces in your blog to sell as advertising space. TLA handle the advertisements for you, and to begin earning money you only need to add a new feed to your blog’s layout.

Simple, yes?

For me, this is certainly much easier than fiddling with AdSense codes, and I won’t have wasted the advertising space with ads that dopn’t earn me any revenue: as soon as an advertiser purchases space in my blog, the payment will be sent to my account. And I don;t have to wait for months on end to receive payment either, since the minumum transfer is only $25!

As for how well this will work for me (or how much money I could earn from this program), only time will tell.

Happy Halloween!

In Uncategorized on October 31, 2007 at 9:28 pm

Tonight it’s Halloween, and how I wish my little ones would join in the celebrations!

My son has never wanted to dress up or go “trick or treating”, and now that he’s eleven he’s even more reluctant! Little Angel (bless her) is scared to death of anyone dressed up in a spooky costume! She won’t even go near the Halloween section in the supermarket as she’s frightened that the sinister display will somehow come to life…

Back when I was a kid, I used to plan my costume weeks in advance. I loved Halloween, more for the spirit of the evening than for the sweeties I’d bring home at the end of the night! My friends and I would sit round each other’s houses until our parents made us come home, telling each other spooky stories, trying to be the storyteller who could scare the others the most. This year, I’m resigned to watching (slightly) scary movies with my son, who luckily does seem to have inherited my passion for horror flicks!

Wishing all of you a very happy Halloween!

Free stationary and business cards!

In Uncategorized on October 16, 2007 at 9:27 pm

I’m always on the look-out for bargains, and this really is one of the best I’ve found in recent weeks!

Vistaprint, famed for their 250 free business cards offer, are now offering even more personalized stationary for free! You can choose from desk calendars, holiday cards, postcards and even more. You only need to pay for the postage!

As Christmas is only a couple of months away, this could be a great opportunity to bag a few free stocking fillers for your family and friends. Or you could choose the free business cards for yourself, and use these to help promote your blog!

My husband yesterday received the business cards he ordered to help promote his cell-phone shop, and he’s rather pleased with how good they look. What’s more, as we are now Vistaprint customers, we’ve been emailed even more great offers (free T-shirts, personalized rubber stamps and notecards) which are only available to customers who have completed an order.

Why not try Vistaprint for yourself? As all these offers are free, you really have nothing to lose!

Only one more year to the big three-oh!

In me time on September 30, 2007 at 9:25 pm

Today is my 29th birthday. The kids woke me up with a lovely birthday hug, and Hubby Dearest planned a surprise dinner out for us at a lovely local restaurant which has just opened. What a lovely treat!

I just wish there were more years until I hit the dreaded thirty… Does this mean I can start lying about my age now?

Happy Birthday Little Sis!

In Uncategorized on September 26, 2007 at 7:32 pm

For your eighteenth birthday to my special Sis: I hope all of your wishes come true. May each hour and minute be filled with delight, And your birthday be perfect for you!

With love from all the family xxx

No more hospital (we hope!)

In Uncategorized on September 25, 2007 at 7:28 pm

Today Dad finally was discharged from hospital after all the problems which resulted from his operation. He’s seemed much better for the past couple of weeks, in fact, though the doctors didn’t want to let him leave until they were sure he’s be safe and well at home.

What a lovely birthday treat for my sister and I (as both our birthdays are coming in the next week)!

I’m so glad he’s home, and now I’ll be able to visit much more often as I won’t be struggling to find a sitter to visit in hospital any more 🙂